mardi 16 juin 2009

Red girl is beautiful

Red girl is beautiful

6 commentaires:

tb509 a dit…

T'as bien raison mon ami.

Amira Yaakoubi a dit…

je crois la connaitre
ou en tout cas connaître une fille qui lui ressemble vachement!
great schoot!

Rami Bond a dit…

merci à tous les deux (tb509 et Pink panther)
g moi même visité vos deux blogs, trèèès intéréssants. Je crois devenir un fidèle à vos publication :)

Amira Yaakoubi a dit…

mar7bé bik!
ça fait plaisir!

Unknown a dit…

Did you put the focus on the hair on purpose? It kind of emphasises her drifting away from the real world, lost in her thoughts.
I find this shot surprisingly sad despite the bright and joyful colors. I can almost see the trail of a tear-drop sliding down her cheek.. good work capturing a remarkable moment, and a remarkable beauty.

Rami Bond a dit…

walid walid don't do this again, everybody is going to think that my english is bad when they read your comments :)
thanks for the analysis dude